Monday, February 24, 2014

Post #10

Brynn- Isis- She is the one who gets Ra to tell her his secret name. This name with give her all the power.

Erin- Set- He was the one who killed Osiris.

Lindsay-Ra- He has the eye of Ra, which is a part of him.

McKenna- Horus- He is the son of Osiris and Isis. Some people refer to him as the Hawk god.

Lia-Guanyin- She is the reason that there is still rice in China. She is also the reason that the rice is white.

Claire- Thor- Thor names all his accessories. He dressed up as a bride to get his hammer back.

Rylee- Freya-  She got her ostentatious necklace by sleeping with dwarfs.

Emily-Loki- He is able to transform his shape. He tried to hide as fish after he killed Balder.

Molly- Odin- He gave up his eye in exchange for all the knowledge in the world.

Hannah- Balder- The only thing able to kill him is mistletoe.

Emma- Frigg- Went and ask everyone and everything, except for mistletoe, not to harm her son Balder.

Anna-Raven- He is the reason we have the stars, the moon, and the sun.

Carly- Hermes- He likes to play pranks on other people and usually gets away with it.

Jamie- Apollo- Killed the beast in order to protect his mother.

Aryn- Artemis- Goddess of the hunt and the twin of Apollo.

Megan- Dionysus-  She is the goddess of wine.

Mikaela- Demeter- She is the goddess of agriculture. She has a daughter Persephone, who is the reason Demeter created winter.

Monday, February 17, 2014


Today was not the best day. My brother and I have had many problems over the past few years. My brother, Set, has always been really jealous of me. I can understand why he's jealous, I mean who wouldn't be. I have a gorgeous wife who absolutely loves me, just as I love her. We have always wanted children but that hasn't happened yet. Getting back to the reason today was terrible though. Set had come to visit to me. With him he brought a chest. The last thing I remember of our meeting is that I somehow ended up in the chest. I was so happy when Isis found me and rescued me from that horrible chest. This only made Set angrier. After this Set decided to try and destroy me again. This time he wasn't going to leave anything to chance. Set cut up my body into many pieces. He then took the pieces and scattered them across the country. My wonderful wife went and found every piece, but there was one she couldn't find. Instead of forgetting this piece, she made me one herself. With her creation we were able to have a child. The child was named Horus. After this very eventful day, I became the ruler of the Underworld and people now come before me to be judged.


The climax of the conflict would be when Isis brings Osiris back. After all the planning and work Set put into destroying his brother, only to have him brought back. This only made Set more jealous that Osiris still got to be king and that he had such a caring and loving wife. When Isis brought back Osiris it caused Set to have to rethink his entire plan. Isis was able to use spells she had learned earlier to resurrect Osiris and impregnate herself with his child.


After Isis resurrects Osiris she impregnates herself with his child. The child was named Horus. After Osiris was resurrected he died again. Osiris became the Lord of the Underworld. Since Horus was the son of Osiris, he felt he was the rightful heir to the throne. Set challenged him for the throne. Horus and Set had many challenges. The other gods asked Osiris his opinion on who should get the throne. Osiris said that he felt his son was the rightful heir.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Character Development

Not including Osiris, the main characters included in this myth are Isis, Horus and Set.

Isis is the wife and sister of Osiris.She cares about Osiris and is the one who puts him back together. When she puts all the pieces of Osiris back together she impregnates herself with his child.

Horus is the son of Isis and Osiris. Horus has a head that looks like a falcon. He is considered to be one of the most important gods and is associated with the Egyptian kings.

Set is the brother of Osiris. He is the one who killed Osiris out of jealousy. Horus later kills Set in revenge for his father Osiris.


The myth of Osiris takes place in Egypt. Abydos was the main city. The city was originally the center for the dead Khentiamentiu, but during the Fifth and Sixth Dynasties, Khentiamentiu and Osiris kind of became one. After Osiris is buried he becomes the ruler of the underworld.


The conflict of the myth would be the jealousy between Set and Osiris, which caused Isis to have to find the pieces of Osiris. Set, Osiris's brother, was jealous of him because he was king. Set felt that he should be the king instead. Set tried to destroy Osiris many times. Eventually he found the way to get rid of Osiris for good. He put Osiris in a chest. Later on Isis found the chest with Osiris in it. After this Set decided to make sure Osiris was never found. He decided to chop Osiris into many pieces and spread the pieces across the country. Isis was very upset and decided to find all the pieces.