Monday, February 17, 2014


Today was not the best day. My brother and I have had many problems over the past few years. My brother, Set, has always been really jealous of me. I can understand why he's jealous, I mean who wouldn't be. I have a gorgeous wife who absolutely loves me, just as I love her. We have always wanted children but that hasn't happened yet. Getting back to the reason today was terrible though. Set had come to visit to me. With him he brought a chest. The last thing I remember of our meeting is that I somehow ended up in the chest. I was so happy when Isis found me and rescued me from that horrible chest. This only made Set angrier. After this Set decided to try and destroy me again. This time he wasn't going to leave anything to chance. Set cut up my body into many pieces. He then took the pieces and scattered them across the country. My wonderful wife went and found every piece, but there was one she couldn't find. Instead of forgetting this piece, she made me one herself. With her creation we were able to have a child. The child was named Horus. After this very eventful day, I became the ruler of the Underworld and people now come before me to be judged.


  1. You're pretty full of yourself, aren't you? That's okay, some deities were just made to be boastful. I would just add more description of the chest and setting and whatnot. Other than that, I was able to follow along and enjoy your eventful day!

  2. Well that is a pretty eventful day! You captured it quite well, but like Jamie said I might be a tad bit more specific. Regardless, it was a good summary and I like the voice used to tell it!

  3. A bit more description was need but I really like the myth you chose

  4. Ooh this story would seem like a movie almost if more detail was added, but for a summary it was really good! I also liked your costume and the myth you told, so this myth haha.
