Monday, February 24, 2014

Post #10

Brynn- Isis- She is the one who gets Ra to tell her his secret name. This name with give her all the power.

Erin- Set- He was the one who killed Osiris.

Lindsay-Ra- He has the eye of Ra, which is a part of him.

McKenna- Horus- He is the son of Osiris and Isis. Some people refer to him as the Hawk god.

Lia-Guanyin- She is the reason that there is still rice in China. She is also the reason that the rice is white.

Claire- Thor- Thor names all his accessories. He dressed up as a bride to get his hammer back.

Rylee- Freya-  She got her ostentatious necklace by sleeping with dwarfs.

Emily-Loki- He is able to transform his shape. He tried to hide as fish after he killed Balder.

Molly- Odin- He gave up his eye in exchange for all the knowledge in the world.

Hannah- Balder- The only thing able to kill him is mistletoe.

Emma- Frigg- Went and ask everyone and everything, except for mistletoe, not to harm her son Balder.

Anna-Raven- He is the reason we have the stars, the moon, and the sun.

Carly- Hermes- He likes to play pranks on other people and usually gets away with it.

Jamie- Apollo- Killed the beast in order to protect his mother.

Aryn- Artemis- Goddess of the hunt and the twin of Apollo.

Megan- Dionysus-  She is the goddess of wine.

Mikaela- Demeter- She is the goddess of agriculture. She has a daughter Persephone, who is the reason Demeter created winter.

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